Join EFA
equestrian fitness academy


Welcome to the rider tack room
where you'll learn the best tips and find the tools needed
to boost your fitness and wellness.

In some articles I may include products links I think are useful. If you buy through links on this blog, I may earn a small commission Learn my process.

How I personally vet brands and products for you

I will only share brands and products that I stand behind.

I thoroughly evaluate and research each recommendation on this blog site. I have personally used and have clients who have tested the products recommended.

Three important questions before sharing:

  • Does this product align with today’s scientific evidence?
  • Do the ingredients have the potential to cause harm?
  • Does each brand adhere to industry best practices and operate with integrity?

You can trust that I’ll do the research so you can quickly find the trusted products for your health and wellness journey. Learn about the process

Why I chose to share products with you

Have no clue where to start? Are you ready to invest in creating or purchasing a couple items for your home gym equipment? Not sure which product to take, or how it can personally help you, the research is already done for you.

I’m always searching for what works, how to help you feel your best, and how to deliver the biggest bang for our buck. Everything that’s shoppable here has been thoughtfully chosen. I only recommend products that meet my specific quality standards, and will always share the reasons. Quality is longevity, invest in yourself and you’ll be rewarded. If you like what you see and buy something through a link on this site, I may receive a small cut. There’s no extra cost to you.

Bottom line: These products are only here to help — from the smallest items to the life-changing ones.

Here’s the inside look at my selection process

Products will be tested personally and with my clients before recommendation. In this fast changing market, I’ll make sure to consistently reevaluate products. If a brand or product is re-evaluated and no longer meets the standards, it will be removed from the site. If ever I share something that hasn’t passed the vetting process, I’ll be straight up about why, so you can make the best informed decisions.

My expertise, experience, journalistic integrity, authority, and trust are at the core of everything shared with you. This is how I ensure only the best products end up in your cart, so you can feel good buying things that actually make you feel your best.


About Me

Hey Hey, I’m a fitness and wellness coach who creates informative blogs for equestrian riders of all disciplines. My readers are always looking for more ways they can improve themselves and their horses. The tack room is a fun place where you’ll gather the tips and tools needed to bring your best to the saddle each time. Here you’ll learn the best ways to become the best rider you can be. My goal is to help YOU improve stability, build better posture, and enhance your alignment in the saddle for years to come.

About Me

Hey Hey, I’m a fitness and wellness coach who creates informative blogs for equestrian riders of all disciplines. My readers are always looking for more ways they can improve themselves and their horses. The tack room is a fun place where you’ll gather the tips and tools needed to bring your best to the saddle each time. Here you’ll learn the best ways to become the best rider you can be. My goal is to help YOU improve stability, build better posture, and enhance your alignment in the saddle for years to come.

Jump 3: Developing Connection & Longevity (Physically & Mentally) Helps to Ride for Life connection longevity ride for life

In Jump 3 we learn about implementing certain connections for the longevity of lifelong riding. The 3rd Jump is the last component and summation of the EFA program. Before creating The Equestrian Fitness Academy, I did extensive market research on fitness programs and saw that most of them only pr...

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